Sexism in football? Really? Well, according to Gabby Logan there is, although she seemed to produce very little actual evidence to back it up in her TV documentary this week.
It appears that there are plenty of woman making a very good living in football, many in the media and business sectors of the game, not something that screams 'sexism' to me.
Apparently some have been confronted with a few 'industrial' comments, so to speak. In other words, banter. One such woman even said she wanted to looked on as 'one of the lads,' yet took offence when the banter was directed at her. Strange.
But this so-called sexist industry has woman on the board of directors at clubs, women running media departments and women even running the line in the Premier League. Yes Gabby, sexism is rife alright.
She opened the programme with the line 'football is a man's world' and then went on to explain the lack of opportunities for women. For a man's world I would say women have been made very welcome indeed.
The fact is most working women do not want to be involved in football at the top level, therefore of course most of the top jobs go to men. If 99 out every 100 people who apply for these positions are male, which does appear to be the case, then of course there is a massive probability a man will get the job. That's not sexism love, it's just the law of averages.
But the bigger issue, for me, is that women like Karen Brady and Gabby Logan appear to be using the men's game to advance their own careers. There is, after all, a thriving women's game that needs powerful women to take it on. However, as there is not enough exposure or money to be made from it, these powerful women prefer, instead, to latch onto the men's game.
I covered a women's match for the press a while ago and there was not one woman in the press box. In fact, apart from the players and coaches, I did not see a single women at the game in any official capacity whatsoever. Yet cover any men's match and you will find women everywhere. Surely that balance is wrong? Men are having to do these jobs in the women's game because the women are far too interested in getting involved in the men's game. Why?
Sian Massey has done very well running the line in the Premier League, but she should be reffing in the women's game, a game that is crying out for some good women officials. But she has been brought into the men's game instead, almost as an anti-sexism statement.
Jackie Oakley is another example. She became the first female commentator on MOTD last year, presumably because no one could come up with a good reason for her not to do it. Unfortunately it merely showed that a woman's voice is not suited to commentating on the men's game, and it has not been repeated.
I have heard her commentate on women's matches, though, and her style is far more suited to that. In fact I would rather hear a woman commentating on those matches than Barry Davies, who seems to get the gig rather too often for my liking.
So, there you have it. There does not appear to be any evidence that sexism actually exists in football. Yes, comments are made to women in the game sometimes, and Brady was complaining about being called a 'slut' by fans. Surely that is no different to Mike Ashley being called a 'wanker' is it? Not nice, agreed, but hardly a major problem. And if you can't take the banter...
You see that is the thing that really irritates me. Women want to be part of this 'man's world' yet are the first to complain when we act like men! So now we have to change the way we have always behaved to fit in around them.
Surely if they want to be a part of it they should fit in with us, not the other way around? Take the banter, take the knocks like the rest of us. Be 'one of the lads.'
Funny how woman are quite happy to use their gender to get them what they want, yet are quick to pull out the sexism card when they feel it is used against them.
So Gabby, instead of looking for an issue that does not exist, just be thankful you have a job in the game you profess to love, even though you only got it in the first place thanks to your father and your good looks!! Now, who said sexist does not exist in football??
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